

Chinese mini excavator are popular all around the world, from Australia to South Africa to North America and Europe.

然而, with so many different models on offer, it can be difficult to know which one is best for your needs. That’s why we have put together this complete guide to chinese mini excavators for sale – so you can find the ideal machine for your job site!

Are chinese mini excavators any good?

chinese mini excavator for sale

You may have heard that Chinese mini excavators are of poor quality. This is not entirely true, as there are many reasons why a Chinese mini excavator is a good choice for your business.

chinese mini excavator
chinese mini excavator

First off, these machines are durable and reliable. They can withstand the everyday wear-and-tear of construction work with ease. With proper maintenance and care, they can last for years without breaking down or losing power.

In addition to being sturdy enough to handle heavy-duty jobs all day long, Chinese 小型挖掘机 also cost significantly less than similar models made by Western brands such as CAT or John Deere—saving you money in the long run! Furthermore, their parts tend to be cheaper than those required by other companies’ products too—making them more cost effective over time (and less expensive overall). Plus if something breaks down during operation they’re usually easy enough fix at home using simple tools like wrenches or screwdrivers rather than having them repaired professionally which means there’s less downtime between projects due to maintenance issues caused by faulty equipment; saving money on labor costs while keeping workers safe.”

What life expectancy of a chinese mini excavator?

chinese mini excavator parts

The life expectancy of a chinese mini cat excavator 是关于 10 年, 高于日韩挖掘机. 原因是中国的微型挖掘机在高负载的恶劣环境中使用, 如山体滑坡和高海拔建筑工地, 他们必须执行繁重的任务,例如移动岩石和倒下的树木. 它们也用于恶劣的气候,如西伯利亚或戈壁沙漠等干旱沙漠. 所以, 如果他们想经受住这些条件,他们需要是非常耐用的机器. It should be noted that most Chinese excavators are also made using domestic parts only (the engines).

Which mini digger is best?

buying a chinese mini excavator

The answer to this question depends on what your needs are and how much money you’re willing to spend. There are a wide range of different types of mini diggers available, some with more features than others. If you’re looking for something that can be used on site at home or in the garden, then choosing one with a shorter arm length could help save space when storing it away. 然而, if you have lots of digging work around your house then longer arms may be needed so that they can reach further down into the ground without causing any damage when cutting through roots or tree stumps.

If you’ve got deep pockets then larger models might be more suitable because they can cover larger areas quicker but they will also cost much more than smaller alternatives (such as those found here).



  • It is important to consider the price of an excavator before you buy it. 您可以以实惠的价格获得优质的机器.
  • 选择最适合您需求的机器很重要. 市场上有不同类型的小型挖掘机, 所以根据你的需要和预算选择一个.
  • 选择售后服务好的机器, 因为这将帮助您解决设备出现任何故障或故障时的任何问题.
  • 选择具有良好备件可用性的机器,因为如果没有可用于维护目的的备件,那么您可能不得不等待数周而不操作机器,直到新的更换部件从中国或制造这些机器的其他国家/地区运达.



The price range for a Chinese 小型挖掘机 is between $15,000 和 $25,000. 操作中国小型挖掘机的成本约为 $1.70 每小时. 这将取决于它是燃气还是电动, 您使用的是哪种附件 (水桶或螺旋钻), 船上是否有计时表以及您计划每天运行多少小时.



  • 立即获取免费的本地卡车报价
  • 比较最优惠的价格
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如果你想要一台美国制造的小型挖掘机,那么成本大约是 $30,000 另加 3-5 美元/小时的运营成本. If you are looking for something that is more powerful than a skid steer but smaller than a regular sized skid steer then there aren’t many options available in North America so most people go with something from China instead unless they want to spend more money than necessary on their first machine!


Chinese mini hitachi excavators are very popular because they have a low price and are easy to operate. They also have a good performance in certain jobs such as digging, loading and unloading. 如果您正在寻找价格实惠且质量上乘的产品,那么这就是您的正确选择!如有任何问题, 欢迎与我们联系:+0086 157-1386-6881 或者 [email protected]!