Types and uses of different excavators
Types and uses of different excavators

Types and uses of different excavators

An 挖掘机 is a heavy construction machine that digs holes, moves and piles up earth, or does some other type of excavation work. It is the largest investment for most companies in the mining and construction industry. That’s why it’s very important to know how to choose the right one for your project.

Track excavators

Track excavators are the most popular type of chinese excavator, and for good reason. They’re used for medium-duty construction work where there is a need for high stability and mobility.

履带式设计使这些机器在不平坦的地形上具有出色的机动性, 这使得它们非常适合在地面条件恶劣的区域或在交通量大的区域工作时使用.

当在斜坡或其他类型的不稳定地面(例如砾石坑)上工作时,履带还可以提供额外的稳定性, 矿井和采石场,那里可能有松散的材料,如果没有通过轨道系统本身适当地稳定,这些材料可能会在脚下意外移动 (稍后再说!).



履带式挖掘机是最常见的挖掘机类型, 它们用于挖掘, 装载和倾倒污垢和碎屑.

履带挖掘机 有许多不同的尺寸, 从小到大. 较小的模型通常用于没有太多移动空间的景观美化或建筑项目; 较大的模型可以轻松穿过崎岖的地形,如岩石山坡或泥泞的田野. These machines can also be equipped with attachments such as backhoes that allow them to dig deeper into the ground than would otherwise be possible without one!

Crawler tracks provide stability while allowing movement forward or backward depending on which direction you’re going (they don’t have steering ability). These tracks also help prevent tipping over even when working at steep angles where other types might tip over easily due simply because gravity pulls down harder on these heavier machines than lighter ones do – thus making them safer overall!



轮式挖掘机 是最常见的挖掘机类型. 它们用于在软土中挖掘和移动土方, 它们可以用来放置填充材料. 轮式挖掘机也被称为履带式挖掘机或履带锄,因为它们使用履带而不是轮子来移动.

轮式挖掘机有两种主要类型: 全尺寸 (也称为斗轮或履带式) 和迷你爬虫 (也叫 小型挖掘机). 全尺寸通常用于建筑工地或采矿作业等大型项目的挖掘工作,因为它们有更大的铲斗,可以挖掘比小型挖掘机更深的洞. Mini-excavators usually carry smaller loads than full size machines so they’re better suited for jobs like digging ditches or moving dirt around your yard–or even digging out your basement!

Wheel excavator
Wheel excavator

What are the different types of excavator buckets?

When choosing a bucket for your cat excavator, there are several factors to consider. The first is the size and capacity of the bucket. 例如, if you’re planning on digging deep into the ground or moving large amounts of soil around, then you’ll want to get a larger bucket with a greater capacity. You should also consider whether or not your job requires any attachments like ripper teeth or pallet forks before making this decision.

A second consideration when purchasing an excavator bucket is its material composition: plastic vs steel; carbon steel vs stainless steel; aluminum (or other nonferrous metals). Each material has its advantages and disadvantages–for example, some types are more durable than others but may cost more money because they’re harder to manufacture/find in stock sizes/etc., while others are cheaper but won’t last as long under heavy loads due to their lower strength-to-weight ratios compared against other options available today based on modern manufacturing techniques used worldwide including laser cutting technology which allows us here at [company name]® Incorporated™ use fiberglass reinforced plastics (FRP) instead


有两种不同尺寸的挖掘机: 中小型. 小型挖掘机用于较小的工作, 例如为小房子挖地基或建造地下室. 中型的用于更大的工作, 例如开挖土地修路或从田野上砍伐树木.

当需要从一个区域清除大量污垢或碎屑时使用大型挖掘机,以便工人可以接触到其下方的任何东西 (like minerals).

How to choose the best excavator?

Choosing the right 拖拉机挖掘机 can be a daunting task if you’re not familiar with all of the different models. There are several factors to consider, including:

  • The size of the job. If you need to dig up a large area, then it makes sense that you’d want an excavator that has more power and lifting capacity than one used for smaller jobs.

  • The material being dug up (wooden pallets vs gravel). Different materials require different types of buckets and attachments, so make sure your chosen model comes equipped with these attachments before purchasing it!

  • Your budget – this should go without saying but let’s say it anyway: don’t spend more than necessary on something like this!


综上所述, it is important to understand the different types of 二手挖掘机 and how they are used. You should also consider what kind of work you want to do with your excavator before choosing one. 例如, if you only need to dig in hard soil then a wheeled machine would be easier than a crawler or track type because it doesn’t require tracks or rails for moving around on uneven surfaces like soil slopes or rocky ground areas where traditional machines would not be able to operate without sinking into their own weight!