

Bobcat mini excavator are a great option for homeowners and small businesses who need to move around a lot of dirt. They are also an excellent tool for contractors working on smaller projects. While there are many different types of excavators available, Bobcat mini excavators are the most popular due to their durability and ease of use.

Which small excavator is best?

bobcat mini excavator sizes

If you’re looking for a small excavator, then Bobcat mini excavators are the best choice. They come in a wide range of sizes and capacities, so there’s one that will fit your needs perfectly.

The smallest model is the Bobcat 773 (pictured above), which has an operating weight of 2,000 pounds and can carry up to 1 cubic yard of material at once. This is great if you need something compact enough to fit on a trailer or truck bed but still have plenty of power for moving dirt around your property. If you need something even smaller than this–or want something with more horsepower–the next step up would be their 778 模型; it weighs just under 3 tons but can still handle jobs like digging trenches or moving rocks around without breaking down under pressure.,

bobcat mini excavator
bobcat mini excavator

How much does a Bobcat E35 weight?

bobcat mini excavator weight

You can find out how much a Bobcat E35 weighs by looking at its specifications. The Bobcat E35 weighs 6,000 lbs, which is a significant amount of weight for a mini excavator. It’s important to keep in mind that this is just the dry weight of your machine; it doesn’t include any equipment or tools you may add to it later on. The dimensions are 10.5’L x 7’W x 4.9’H, meaning that if you plan on storing your mini excavator inside your garage or shed (which we recommend), then there will be plenty of room for both vehicles within one space!

The fuel tank capacity for this model is 30 gallons and comes standard with an engine by Cat C12 (12 cylinders).

What does a Bobcat mini excavator do?

bobcat mini excavator controls

Bobcat 小型挖掘机 are used for small jobs where a larger machine would be overkill. These machines are used in construction and landscaping, 他们可以在哪里挖洞, 移动土壤和材料, 清理暴风雨后的碎片, 或将污垢从一个位置移到另一个位置.

bobcat mini excavator controls
bobcat mini excavator controls

Bobcat 系列小型挖掘机包括具有不同挖掘能力的型号,具体取决于您的需要:

  • X 系列凭借其强大的发动机和大尺寸铲斗提供最大的生产率 (2 立方码). 它还具有广泛的可用附件,因此您可以根据手头的特定任务对其进行自定义!
  • The S Series has an ergonomic design that’s comfortable during long working hours while being easy on the eyes too–not bad considering how much time we spend looking at our tools! Plus there’s an optional cab available so your back doesn’t hurt too much after using this machine all day long either.”

What is the top selling mini excavator?

bobcat mini excavator specs

The Bobcat E35 is the top selling 小型挖掘机. It’s a good choice if you’re looking for something that’s easy to use, but can still do a lot of work. The E35 has an operating weight of 4,000 磅,可以举起 2,200 磅. This machine comes with two engines–a 6-cylinder diesel engine or an 8-cylinder gasoline engine–to help save on fuel costs and make your job easier when it comes time to refueling.

The E50 is another popular model among contractors who need powerful equipment that won’t break the bank on them every month. This machine has an operating weight of 5,000 磅,可以举起 3 tons without any problems at all! 如果您有需要经常移动的重物,那么这可能正是您所需要的,因为它的起重能力将允许比当今其他一些型号更多的物料搬运!


bobcat mini excavator for sale

Choosing the right Bobcat chinese mini excavator depends on your needs and budget. 购买山猫小型挖掘机需要考虑的因素很多, 包括它的重量, 功能和价格.

  • 重量: 较轻的机器比极重的机器更容易携带. 然而, if you don’t have much experience using machinery or tools then it may be better for you to buy something that isn’t too difficult to maneuver around with your hands because this will help prevent accidents from occurring while operating the equipment.
bobcat mini excavator for sale
bobcat mini excavator for sale
  • Features: When deciding which features are most important for your project there are several things worth considering such as whether or not there is enough space available at home (or wherever) where we plan on storing our chosen model(秒). Also keep in mind what kind of tasks need completing before purchasing any products made specifically designed with those goals in mind.”


bobcat mini excavator price

cost of a Bobcat mini excavator depends on the model, 引擎, 和特点. 例如, 发动机功率为 25 惠普成本约 $20,000. 但是如果你想要更多的钱,那么考虑购买一台挖掘机 35 HP 或更高的成本之间 $25,000 和 $40,000.


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  • 比较最优惠的价格
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价格范围高于其他品牌,因为与竞争对手相比,这些机器具有更强大的引擎. 它们还具有更好的功能,例如电子控制系统 (弹性云服务器) 可在挖掘作业期间精确控制速度和方向


Bobcat mini digger are used for many different jobs. 如果你需要一个, 你应该能找到一个价格合理的. 如有任何问题, 欢迎与我们联系:+0086 157-1386-6881 或者 [email protected]!