cat 320b excavator for sale
cat 320b excavator for sale

cat 320b excavator for sale

Cat 320b excavator is a powerful machine for on-road use. It’s the first excavator to be able to operate at speeds above 60 km/h. It has a range of features designed specifically for road use and it’s also reliable, safe and easy to operate. This is an excellent choice if you need an excavator that works on roads.

The Cat 320B is a powerful machine for on-road use.

Cat excavator is a powerful machine for on-road use. It’s built to last and it comes with all the features you need to get the job done quickly and efficiently. It has an adjustable bucket, 因此您可以比同尺寸的其他挖掘机更深入地挖掘您的材料. Cat 320B 还具有一系列专为道路使用而设计的功能:

  • 带有高浮力轮胎的坚固履带系统,可轻松在崎岖不平的地面或泥泞中行驶
  • 无需工具即可快速更换附件的液压快速接头
猫 320b 挖掘机
猫 320b 挖掘机

It’s the first excavator to be able to operate at speeds above 60 km/h.

Cat 320B 挖掘机是第一款能够以高于 60 km/h. It can dig deeper holes and drill faster than any other 拖拉机挖掘机 in its class, making it an ideal choice for contractors who need to get the job done quickly.

It has a range of features designed specifically for road use.

The cat 320b excavator is designed specifically for road use. It has a range of features designed to make it easier to operate in the confines of a road and its surroundings, including:

  • A wider track, which provides more stability when working on steep slopes or soft ground
  • A smaller cab, 这使您可以更轻松地看到墙壁和栅栏等障碍物
  • 较低的重心使该机器比同类产品中的许多其他型号更易于操作
最佳猫 320b 挖掘机
最佳猫 320b 挖掘机

发动机比同级别的其他挖掘机更强大, 所以它可以挖得更深,钻得更快.

The CAT 320B excavator is powered by a diesel engine and has more power than other caterpillar excavators in its class, 所以它可以挖得更深,钻得更快.

这意味着您可以比以往更快地工作, 这将为您节省人工成本.

It’s also reliable, safe and easy to operate.

The Cat 320B is a powerful machine for on-road use. It’s the first excavator to be able to operate at speeds above 60 km/h, making it ideal for transporting heavy loads over long distances.

The 320B features an integrated cab which makes it safer and easier to operate, while also improving visibility and reducing noise levels.

This is an excellent choice if you need an excavator that works on roads.

This is an excellent choice if you need a 小型挖掘机 that works on roads. The 320B is the first excavator to be able to operate at speeds above 60 km/h, and it has a range of features designed specifically for road use, including:

  • A powerful diesel engine that can produce up to 100 kW (136 hp).
  • An electronic control system with automatic functions such as idle stop and load sensing.

How to choose the best cat 320b excavator?

A cat 320b excavator is an essential tool for any construction site, so it’s important to choose the right one. When choosing a new cat 320b excavator, there are several factors to consider:

  • The size of your excavator will depend on what you need it for and how much space you have available at your construction site. If you’re working on small projects or in cramped conditions, then a smaller model may be best suited for your needs. On the other hand if there is plenty of space available at your work site then larger models could make sense because they can help speed up operations by covering more ground with each pass of their bucket teeth (also known as ‘buckets’).
  • What kind of work do I plan on doing with this machine? If this question hasn’t occurred yet then now would be a good time! If possible write down all ideas before reading further so we can go through them together later when deciding which machine might suit best after weighing up pros/cons against each other side-by-side using common sense logic based upon experience gained through years spent working closely alongside various types machines ranging from compactors through loaders; cranes…you name it!
cat 320b excavator for sale
cat 320b excavator for sale

How much does a cat 320b excavator cost?

As with any piece of equipment, the price of a cat 320b excavator depends on several factors. The model you choose and its features will have an impact on your final cost. A new 320B model can cost anywhere from $200,000 至 $500,000 depending on what additional features are included such as auxiliary hydraulics or cab air conditioning.


If you’re looking for an excavator that can help you with road maintenance, then this is the machine for you. It’s powerful enough to dig deeper holes and drill faster than other models in its class. The Cat 320B also offers safety features like anti-rollback brakes and stability control which make it easier for operators to work safely at high speeds