最好的久保田挖掘机出售 2023
最好的久保田挖掘机出售 2023

最好的久保田挖掘机出售 2023

Kubota excavator have become the standard for many contractors, farmers, and other professionals in the industry. They are easy to use, powerful enough to get the job done, and durable enough to last a lifetime of work. If you’re looking for a reliable excavator for sale in 2023 then you’ve come to the right place!

What is a Kubota excavator?

kubota excavator for sale

Kubota excavators are used for different kinds of work. They are available in many models, including:

Kubota excavator
Kubota excavator
  • The D37A-2 and D37P-2 have a dig depth of 5 feet 9 inches to 7 feet 6 英寸 (1.76 meters to 2 meters) and can move at up to 11 miles per hour (18 kilometers per hour). These machines have a bucket capacity of 1,000 磅 (454 公斤) and can operate continuously for up to 10 hours on one tank of fuel before refueling is necessary.
  • The D34S-5 has a maximum digging depth of 13 feet 6 英寸 (4 meters), making it ideal for mining or landscaping purposes. It weighs just over 4 吨 yet can still move quickly at speeds up to 11 miles per hour (18 kilometers per hour). Its bucket capacity is 1,100 磅 (500 公斤).

How to change bucket on Kubota excavator?

kubota excavator size chart

To change the bucket on your excavator, follow these steps:

  • Remove the hydraulic cylinder from the machine by taking off its bolts and nuts. Then remove all hydraulic pipes connected to this cylinder as well as other parts that are attached to it.
  • You need to take off the bucket from your Kubota excavator so that you can easily access its bolts, nuts and locks when you want to change a new one later on (if needed). 这个过程可能会有所不同,具体取决于用于此目的的机器类型,因此在开始使用任何给定设备之前,请确保您确切知道所有东西应该如何组合在一起,否则可能会比将一个桶换成另一个更复杂; which is not always possible anyway if they were made using different materials or dimensions – such as size or shape etcetera…



容量. Capacity is an important factor to consider before purchasing a 小型挖掘机, as it helps you determine which model will be most suitable for your needs. The capacity of an excavator refers to the total amount of material that it can move at once.

The capacity of Kubota excavators is measured in cubic yards (yd3). The size of the bucket determines how much volume it can hold, so if you need a machine that can move large amounts of dirt or rocks, look for one with a bigger bucket.

影响您决定的另一个因素应该是机器本身的尺寸和类型; 较大型号的容量通常比较小的容量大,因为它们增加了功率和重量限制. 您还应该考虑您的站点是否对最大车辆高度有任何限制,因为这可能会限制那里可以购买的类型!




You might be wondering how long you can expect to use your 二手挖掘机. Kubota excavators are designed to last for a long time, and they are built to last as well. They are capable of performing high-quality work for an extended period of time. The life expectancy of Kubotas varies from model to model, but is typically between 20 和 30 years if properly maintained by the owner.

How to choose the best Kubota excavator?

mini kubota excavator

Kubota’s excavator supplier are well known for their performance, durability and reliability. In addition to these features,Excavators offer low cost of ownership which makes them one of the best excavator brands in the world.

Here are some things you need to take into consideration before buying an excavator:

  • It must be easy to operate – The best kind of equipment is one that can be used effectively by anyone with minimal training. This means that it should have a simple design and offer intuitive controls so there is no risk of accidents or injury when using it.
  • It must be sturdy – You should look for an excavator with a strong frame; this will help ensure that it doesn’t break down easily when used on difficult terrain or during tough conditions such as rainstorms or extreme weather events like hurricanes etcetera…

How much is a Kubota excavator?

kubota excavator price list
kubota excavator price list

kubota excavator price list

Kubota excavators are among the most expensive brands on the market, but they are also among the most durable. Kubota excavators have a reputation for being able to withstand hard work and abusive conditions. 这部分是由于它们的设计和构造, but also because of their medium quality components and parts.


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导致久保田成本高的一个主要因素是它们的长期耐用性. 大多数制造商只会为其设备提供有限的保修, 在某些情况下可能短至三年甚至更短! 然而, 久保田为许多型号提供长达五年的保修, 包括其他公司在他们的许可下制造的 (比如纽荷兰). Kubotas 不仅倾向于比其他品牌更高端的产品,而且使用寿命更长的另一个原因是因为他们尽可能使用更耐用的材料,如铝而不是塑料——这是你在约翰迪尔或 John Deere 等竞争对手制造的其他机器上不常见的毛虫.


The Kubota excavator is a very popular excavator machine for construction sites. 它用于挖掘和提升材料。如果您有任何疑问, 欢迎与我们联系:+0086 157-1386-6881 或者 [email protected]!