Таленет нь төрөл бүрийн ачааны машин, машин механизм, тоног төхөөрөмжийн худалдаа эрхэлдэг,Ашигласан экскаватор,Ашигласан ачигч гэх мэт.
Types and uses of different excavators
Types and uses of different excavators

Types and uses of different excavators

An экскаватор is a heavy construction machine that digs holes, moves and piles up earth, or does some other type of excavation work. It is the largest investment for most companies in the mining and construction industry. That’s why it’s very important to know how to choose the right one for your project.

Track excavators

Track excavators are the most popular type of chinese excavator, and for good reason. They’re used for medium-duty construction work where there is a need for high stability and mobility.

The tracked design gives these machines an excellent degree of mobility on uneven terrain, which makes them ideal for use in areas with difficult ground conditions or when working in areas that have high traffic volume.

The tracks also provide added stability when working on slopes or other types of unstable ground surfaces such as gravel pits, mineshafts and quarries where there may be loose material that could shift unexpectedly underfoot if not properly stabilized by the track system itself (more on that later!).


Гинжит экскаватор

Crawler excavators are the most common type of excavator, and they are used for digging, loading and dumping dirt and debris.

Гинжит экскаватор come in many different sizes, ranging from small to large. Smaller models are typically used for landscaping or construction projects where there is not much room for movement; larger models can move through rougher terrain like rocky hillsides or muddy fields with ease. These machines can also be equipped with attachments such as backhoes that allow them to dig deeper into the ground than would otherwise be possible without one!

Crawler tracks provide stability while allowing movement forward or backward depending on which direction you’re going (they don’t have steering ability). These tracks also help prevent tipping over even when working at steep angles where other types might tip over easily due simply because gravity pulls down harder on these heavier machines than lighter ones do – thus making them safer overall!

Crawler excavator
Crawler excavator

Wheel excavators

Wheel excavators are the most common type of excavator. They are used for digging in soft soil and for moving earth, and they can be used to place fill material. Wheel excavators are also known as crawler excavators or track hoes because they use tracks instead of wheels to move around.

Wheel excavators come in two main types: full size (also called bucket wheel or crawler type) and mini-crawler (also called mini-excavators). The full size is typically used for excavation work on large projects such as construction sites or mining operations because they have larger buckets that allow them to dig deeper holes than mini-excavators can handle. Mini-excavators usually carry smaller loads than full size machines so they’re better suited for jobs like digging ditches or moving dirt around your yard–or even digging out your basement!

Wheel excavator
Wheel excavator

What are the different types of excavator buckets?

When choosing a bucket for your cat excavator, there are several factors to consider. The first is the size and capacity of the bucket. Жишээлбэл, if you’re planning on digging deep into the ground or moving large amounts of soil around, then you’ll want to get a larger bucket with a greater capacity. You should also consider whether or not your job requires any attachments like ripper teeth or pallet forks before making this decision.

A second consideration when purchasing an excavator bucket is its material composition: plastic vs steel; carbon steel vs stainless steel; aluminum (or other nonferrous metals). Each material has its advantages and disadvantages–for example, some types are more durable than others but may cost more money because they’re harder to manufacture/find in stock sizes/etc., while others are cheaper but won’t last as long under heavy loads due to their lower strength-to-weight ratios compared against other options available today based on modern manufacturing techniques used worldwide including laser cutting technology which allows us here at [company name]® Incorporated™ use fiberglass reinforced plastics (FRP) instead

What are the different sizes of excavators?

There are two different sizes of excavators: small and medium. Small excavators are used for smaller jobs, such as digging out the foundation for a small home or building a basement. Medium-sized ones are used for bigger jobs, such as digging out land to build roads on or removing trees from fields.

Large excavators are used when there is an extremely large amount of dirt or debris that needs to be removed from an area so workers can get access to whatever lies below it (like minerals).

How to choose the best excavator?

Choosing the right трактор экскаватор can be a daunting task if you’re not familiar with all of the different models. There are several factors to consider, including:

  • The size of the job. If you need to dig up a large area, then it makes sense that you’d want an excavator that has more power and lifting capacity than one used for smaller jobs.

  • The material being dug up (wooden pallets vs gravel). Different materials require different types of buckets and attachments, so make sure your chosen model comes equipped with these attachments before purchasing it!

  • Your budget – this should go without saying but let’s say it anyway: don’t spend more than necessary on something like this!


In conclusion, it is important to understand the different types of ашигласан экскаватор and how they are used. You should also consider what kind of work you want to do with your excavator before choosing one. Жишээлбэл, if you only need to dig in hard soil then a wheeled machine would be easier than a crawler or track type because it doesn’t require tracks or rails for moving around on uneven surfaces like soil slopes or rocky ground areas where traditional machines would not be able to operate without sinking into their own weight!