Used mini wheel loader for sale
Used mini wheel loader for sale

Used mini wheel loader for sale

There’s a reason why mini-wheel loaders are popular. They’re small, they’re easy to use and they don’t require much space. If you need to lift something that weighs less than 1 tonne, then a mini loader is the best choice for you!

What are the small loaders called?

mini wheel loader for sale

Mini-wheel loaders are also known as small 轮式装载机, 小型挖掘机, 和 small excavators. The name “mini” refers to their smaller size, which makes them ideal for use in tight spaces.

mini wheel loader
mini wheel loader

小型轮式装载机专为包括建筑工地在内的广泛应用而设计, 工厂, 和农业经营. 它们还可用于在院子周围移动砾石或土壤等材料,以及在您的花园中挖洞.



最小的微型轮式装载机是 猫966G. 它的负载能力为 5,000 磅,可以举起 3,550 磅. JCB JS220 是小型轮式装载机的另一个不错的选择,最大有效负载能力为 2 吨 (4,000 磅). The JCB JS240 has a 4-ton (9,000 磅) payload capacity and comes in at about 6′ wide by 7′ high for its size.

How much weight can a mini loader lift?

used mini wheel loader

used mini wheel loader
used mini wheel loader

The mini wheel loader is a small, compact machine that can be used for small jobs that require lifting and moving material. Its maximum lifting capacity is about three tons (6,000 磅).

This type of loader is also ideal for working in tight spaces because it has a narrow wheelbase and can turn on its own axis without having to back up. It’s great for a variety of applications including loading materials into trucks, 挖沟, hauling dirt or rocks, and moving concrete slabs.

What life expectancy of a mini wheel loader?

wheel loader life

Mini-wheel loaders are very durable and can be used for many years if the machine is properly maintained. Mini wheel loader life expectancy depends on the amount of use and maintenance. The average life expectancy of a mini-wheel loader is about 10-15 年, but it can be much more depending on how well you maintain it.

If you want your mini wheel loader to last longer, then following these guidelines will help:

  • Use only approved heavy-duty engine oil in your mini wheel loader.
  • Keep your engine running at its proper temperature at all times by checking fuel mix settings and not overloading the machine.
  • Clean debris often from under belts with a brush or broom handle so they don’t slip off their pulleys while operating on rough terrain

How to choose the best mini wheel loader?

mining wheel loader

在您出门购买小型轮式装载机之前, 确定您的需求很重要. 对一个人来说最好的小型轮式装载机可能对另一个人来说不是最好的小型轮式装载机. 您将必须确定您需要多大尺寸的设备以及您的体力可以处理多少功率.

  • 确定所需设备的大小: 您要搬运沙子或砾石等小物料吗?? 您是否需要更大的承重能力以便可以移动更大的散装材料?
  • 了解预算: How much money do you want to spend on this 轮式装载机价格? There are many different types of models available at various price points, so make sure that an appropriate amount has been set aside for purchase before looking at any models or options.

How much does a small wheel loader cost?

How much does a mini-wheel loader cost?


  • Mini wheel loaders can range in price from $15,000 至 $180,000. The average price of a mini-wheel loader starts at $40,000 and goes up to around $65,000.


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  • You should pay somewhere between $40-$60 per hour for your mini wheel loader rental if you plan on renting one for an entire week. This will depend on where you live and where the rental company is located (for example: if there are more jobs available in one region than another). If you’re just looking for four hours of use during that week, then the cost per hour would be lower because it’s less work for them (they only have to set up and break down once).
  • If possible try not to buy your own equipment but rather rent it from local companies instead since this will usually save money on both ends; especially when buying larger machines such as sany excavators or dozers which can cost upwards of six figures!


Mini wheel loaders are used in many different industries. They are essential for the construction industry, but they can also be used for landscaping, gardening, and snow removal. There are many different types of mini wheel loaders available on the market today, so you will have no problem finding one that meets your needs when it comes time for purchasing one for yourself! 如有任何问题, 欢迎与我们联系:+0086 157-1386-6881 或者 [email protected]!