A Guide to New and Used Excavator
A Guide to New and Used Excavator

A Guide to New and Used Excavator

二手挖掘机 是流行的建筑机械. 它们用于包括采矿在内的许多行业, 园林绿化, 和拆除. 挖掘机可让您轻松高效地移动大量泥土. 它们可以是新的或使用过的,但每个选项都有其优点和缺点.

哪个更好, 新的或二手的挖掘机?




当您想购买挖掘机时, 有几个因素可能会影响您的决定.

  • 价格: 新设备比旧设备贵应该不是什么秘密. 一台新的挖掘机将花费大约 $100,000 虽然可以找到二手的,但价格不等 $40,000 至 $50,000.
  • 可靠性: 虽然这似乎不是您选择二手车的明显原因 柳工挖掘机 在一个新的, 它确实有它的优点. 当您通过我们在 Excavator World Inc. 购买机器时。, 我们为所有产品提供 12 个月的保修期,并确保客户报告的任何问题都立即得到解决,以免影响未来的销售或以任何方式妨碍机器的运行. 除了在产品交付时保证质量工艺和客户满意度之外 (或退款), 我们还提供购买日期后三年内的免费零件更换,因此如果在购买新机器后的最初几年内发生任何事情 - 无论是由于磨损 & tear or accident—you won’t have any problems getting access replacement parts online just by searching through our database catalogues!

The most important thing to consider when buying an excavator is how much time you will be using it. If your work requires that you use the machine daily or even just once per week, then a new excavator might be right for you; 然而, if it’s only going to sit idle and collect dust in between jobs then an old one may suit your needs better because there’s less maintenance associated with those types of machines.

What is the capacity of the used excavator?

used excavator capacity

liugong used excavator

The capacity of the used excavator is its carrying capacity. The maximum weight that an excavator can lift and transport is called its lifting capacity. It’s measured in metric tonnes (t), US tons (short) or UK tons (long).

The following example shows how to calculate a machine’s lifting capacity:

  • 一个 LiuGong CLG950E Excavator has a maximum digging depth of 5,5 meters and weighs 13 t including all attachments. If you remove all attachments from your machine, what will be its actual weight?

How long can a used excavator last?

used excavator life

The answer depends on the quality of the machine and how well it’s maintained. In general, an excavator will last two to three years if you take good care of it and maintain it regularly. If you don’t take care of your excavator, then its life will be shorter than that. As long as you keep up with regular checkups and maintenance checks from qualified experts, your excavation equipment should work for many years without experiencing significant problems or breakdowns.The same is true for Liugong wheel loaders.

How to choose a good used excavator?

good used excavator

good used excavator

To choose a good used excavator, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • Engine: The power of the engine affects its running speed and performance. If you don’t have enough power, your machine will be too slow and unable to draw heavy loads. So when choosing a used excavatoryou should also pay attention to its horsepower.
  • Transmission system: Transmission systems are responsible for transmitting power from engines or motors into mechanical motion that is useful in doing work. There are single-speed and multi-speed transmission systems on different types of excavators; they have different characteristics in terms of ability and efficiency. 此外,you should also check whether they have overload protection devices so as not to damage other parts if overloaded during operation.
  • UndercarriageUndercarriages are important components that provide stability for an excavator when working outdoors because these components bear most of its weight during operation.Therefore it is necessary for them not only meet certain load standards but also maintain adequate resistance against various impacts from rocks or other obstacles encountered when working outdoors。此外,mechanical stability shouldn’t be neglected either.You should consider whether there are any problems such as broken bearings which will affect mechanical stability after buying used excavators!

What is the price of a used excavator?

used excavator price

price of a used excavator depends on the model, 年龄, and condition of the equipment. Because there are so many different kinds of excavators and each type has different physical characteristics that affect its value in the marketplace, it is difficult to give an exact figure for what a used excavator will cost. Generally speaking, 然而, prices range anywhere from $50,000 至 $500,000 depending on several factors:

  • Age: older models tend to cost less than newer ones
  • Condition: whether the machine has been maintained well (or poorly) over time
  • Type: some models are more desirable than others

where to buy a used excavator?

buy a used excavator

buy a used excavator

If you want to buy a used excavator, you should select a reliable dealer with good reputation and track record. We recommend that you get in touch with us because we are professional manufacturer of used excavators.If you have any questions, 欢迎与我们联系:+0086 157-1386-6881 or [email protected]!


There are many used excavators on the market, but you need to choose the one that meets your needs. Whether it is a new or used one, you should take into account its capacity and lifespan. By choosing a good crawler excavator, you will save money in the long run!